In an attachment can be found a webinar about Mathcad and Ansys integration. To play video ".wrf" file format need to use the WebEx player which can be downloaded here:
Wow, Vladimir.
How do you find such 4 year old discussions?
Chances are that Mikeede isn't around anymore - his last login was on the day of his post.
EDIT: OK Mike is still around, thats good he got an answer after that long time.
The question about how you find that older unread and unanswered post remains and was meant seriously. We don't have on opportunity to filter for post which are still ananswered nor do we have the read flag as we had in the old collab.
Many thanks for that very useful!
You're welcome.
Hello Mike,
I've been looking for that plugin, but couldn't find it anywhere. I couldn't find any ANSYS plugin in the ptc download section. can you tell me where you found it???
The old integration demo probably used to be on PTC's site but seems to have gone.
It is mentioned and liked here
and here
Maybe you have luck using the wayback machine
by searching older versions of PTCs free download site or even archives of mathsofts website.
Attached a document found describing the installation of the ANSYS integration demo.
The worksheet "Using Ansys and Mathcad for Tie Rod Analysis" can be found in attachment.
I really cannot find the plugin file...
I don't use Ansys, but could it be that there is no such plugin for Mathcad? I always read that Mathcad itself would act as a plugin for Ansys.
You can find it in the attachment ("Mathcad 14 integration to Ansys Workbench 11").
Has anyone got this to work on a modern version on ANSYS?
With which version of ANSYS and Mathcad?
I have Mathcad 15 and ANSYS 14.5. I would considder upgrading to Mathcad prime if this worked.
In attachment can be found a video that demonstrates Mathcad 14 integration with Ansys Workbench 11 (or it can be viewed by using the following link: Video Link : 6893 ). The files that used in this video (Mathcad worksheet, Pro/ENGINEER 3D model) can be found in this theme.