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Dear PTC Community Users. I attached a simple file about Distributed Forces (Beams - Internal Effect). The force V is called the shear force and the couple M is called the bending moment. These
effects represent the vector components of the resultant of the forces acting on a transverse section of the beam.
Regards SBL
Why not a Mathcad sheet?
With all of the phishing and web attacks, I'm getting very wary of PDF's from unrecognized sources.
Please email me to send you the Mathcad sheet. (Mcad Prime 3.1). I cannot attach the file in this comment.
I just attach both files in the original message. (*.mcdx and *.pdf)
Thank you for adding the file. Unfortunately it is version 3.1, so only those who are current in Prime can enjoy it.
I should be good in, oh, three or four years. . . .