Community Tip - Did you get called away in the middle of writing a post? Don't worry you can find your unfinished post later in the Drafts section of your profile page. X
I've recently been humbled at the amount of cross discipline overlap between ChemE and MechE. Looking at the files in Chem area, I have found that I have missed out on some great information. I'm curious if there shouod be more cross referencing? On a process side, many companies use ChemE; moreover, on the manufacturing comercial side, it tends to be MechE type work. Wondering out loud how best to cross polinate the information.
First, I have some suggestions that might be a workaround to the cross pollination, at least as far as for an individual's use. I use the RSS feeds (all content links) for each community that seems to have items of special interest to me. I like the feeds because I can go to them when I want, and it helps prevent a mindless browsing of everything (which I still do when I'm looking for a time killer). For keeping up to date on active discussions that I've created or responded too, I use the email preferences. These are a little more timely than the RSS feeds and more proactively keep me up to date. Finally, if you are looking for a specific content, say PDEs, that can be anywhere, the search feature is the way to find it.
Now, some comments on the community divisions. In my opinion, the present division into work disciplines is important for people who may be looking for a math program. The communities, e.g. ChE, ME, provide a quick way to see some really good reasons to buy Mathcad. For the Mathcad experts, the divisions may not be as important and as you have pointed out, they may inhibit the sharing of knowledge.
I think the only other thing that might help is for everyone to have the ability to tag any document, etc., regardless of author. If a reader sees something that could be used by many types of engineers, then they could add an "engineering" tag if one is not present. Then, your home page can be set to follow that tag. You might try the tag approach now, but with just author tags, it may miss a lot of relevant content.