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I am having trouble getting mathcad to solve this complex equation. I am sure that solution is very simple but I can't figure out what I am doing wrong. I made a very simple example of what I am trying to have mathcad do and attached the file. Any help would be awesome.
What are you trying to solve for?
I am trying to solve for the value I in the equation: I*(v-zI)=10+5j where I* = I conjugate.
Sorry that last mathcad document wasnt at all what i thought i was uploading here is the correct one.
I don't think your equation has a consistent solution - see attached.
The names you use would indicate to me that you are trying to set up a circuit analysis (z - impedance, v - voltage, I - current), but the equation form doesn't make any sense to me, whether interpreted as a scalar or vector version. As given, there are no solutions as pointed out. Is the setup correct? What is the actual problem?