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Something like this:
(Attached is Prime4 file)
Great .. Thanks
You're welcome.
A bit more easily understood:
Luc's is a more general application, above is less typing!
I would vote for using functions to do the jobs. Especially if you need to calculate a difference vector more than once.
Here are two examples - basically reflecting the two different methods shown by Luc an Fred.
I will save this all as my reference . Thank you ..
In which case I'd vote for:
Is of general use, and also works in Express Prime...
I don't have Express. . .
Array indexing and range variables are "advanced options" ??
but programming is,
as are very advanced functions like the Re() and Im() functions (and Bessel functions, statistics, data analysis, curvefitting and smoothing, design of experiments, differential equations, signal- and image processing functions),
plots other than XY-plots,
solve blocks,
Furtunately the complex conjugate operator works, so Re() and Im() are easily defined.
Oh, and not to be forgotten: root() works in Express.
and the if-function works, too, in Express! So at least very limited "programming" is possible.
No, those things are not considered "premium".
Luc was referring to my functions which would not work in Express.
Your version with ranges and indexing will of course work as well in Prime Express.
BTW, you can easily try what Express is like. Just point your licensed version to an invalid licence (any text file or the like will do).
Good point!
Then I'd vote for
I was surprised that O worked as matrix index 😉
I'm afraid I can't do the (left arrow) programming assignment in Express.
Ahhh ! Think you are right. In fact I did not reset my Prime to Express Mode to give it a try
?? Can you switch back and forth?
Yes, I can switch simply by pointing Prime to an invalid file as license file.
At the moment I am working on a machine with a network flex license so I had additionally plug out the network cable because we set the installation vi environent variable so it looks for one flexlm server after the othe for a license if licensing fails.
When I work on a machine with a local single user license bound to the MAC, its as simple as pointing Prime to an invalid file (a non-existing file will not do) and you have to remember the name and location of the valid license file to be able to switch back, of course 😉
Well anyway, for the time being, and the foreseeable future, I'll not be in that position.
You don't miss anything important, I guess.
As long as I can keep my Mathcad 11 running: not really.