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Difficulty graphing a function in MathCAD 2.0


Difficulty graphing a function in MathCAD 2.0

I am attempting to graph a function Sa (units of in/s^2) vs T (seconds) in the attached MathCAD 2.0 worksheet. I do not believe the Sa function ( I followed a help example) is defined properly but it is producing no errors in Prime 2.0. Prime 2.0 will not create the graph though. Does anyone know what is wrong with the attached worksheet?

Thank you in advance for any help anyone can provide.


See the attach!

Wow, thank you for your fast reply!

I'm not sure what is graphed in your attachement. Is there a way to graph Sa as a piece-wise function over the 4 different ranges for T that are defined in the function/program for Sa?

But the piece-wise function is not quit correct - it returns m/s^2 in one range and m/s^3 in other one. Check please.

We have an error in Mathcad 15 in this case.

You are correct, the piece-wise components did not match on units. In the attached they do. Is it still possible to graph this piece-wise function?


Thanks Valery, I'm unsure as to what you're showing me in your reply.


I would like to show that we can calculate a piece-wise function with different dimention and partly plot its graph but we cannot full plot its graph.


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