When I download Mathcad 14, the download fails just before it is complete. Can that be fixed or can I unload the program from a different source?
That is VERY old!
MathCad 15 was released in 2010.
What language are you trying to download?
I doubt there is any other legal source to download the software from.
Do you have licenses to run a new version?
You should be able to download the M020 release from here:
I downloaded the english and german version with little problem.
Restore your license by contacting via "Mathcad Support Center": https://support.ptc.com/support/mathcad_supportCenter.htm
I know this question is older, but maybe answering it will help others with the same problem... actually 2 problems, both on PTC's side:
1: download.ptc.com resets the TCP connection close to the end of the file: Read error at byte 222430673/222431700 (Connection reset by peer)
2: When your browser retries to finish the file, download.ptc.com redirects it to an unreachable IP: 307 Temporary Redirect Location:
I finished the download using wget --continue .
@JD_8253587 wrote:
I know this question is older, but maybe answering it will help others with the same problem... actually 2 problems, both on PTC's side:
1: download.ptc.com resets the TCP connection close to the end of the file: Read error at byte 222430673/222431700 (Connection reset by peer)
2: When your browser retries to finish the file, download.ptc.com redirects it to an unreachable IP: 307 Temporary Redirect Location:
I finished the download using wget --continue .
download Mathcad 14.0 M011 instead of M020.
Use http://download.ptc.com/download3/products/MCD/Mathcad_14.0_M011/CD_English.exe link.