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Equation Break - Missing features


Equation Break - Missing features

I feel a little embarrassed asking for this, but hey it needs to be re-added. Also, while we're adding the equation break can we also add the capability to break an equation with a minus sign as well as the standard plus sign?

Please feel free to add the small features still missing from Prime and we can hopefully have them implemented in Prime 3.0




I think that you can offer this as a new "Idea" in Mathcad community:


Not really because half of the request is already present in M15. The reason for this thread is to try and populate a list of basic features which should be easily implemented into Prime 3.0.

Although the minus sign is a new request


can we also add the capability to break an equation with a minus sign as well as the standard plus sign?

And multiplication and division

Oh yes.


Actually please do post your suggest for equation break on operators (-, +, /, * ,=) under Ideas. Only users with an active maintenance account can see and vote on the ideas. We will be looking at the voting to help decide which features to implement in future releases of Mathcad. Voting will not be the only consideration, as we also get input from sales, users, and determine our strategy, but voting will definitely be part of the mix.



I will post the suggestion under ideas later. I would also like to keep this thread going to get a general take on users opinions on which of the smaller features yet to be implemented they require (in terms of preference), if possible.


I can't see to post a 'New idea' as all possible locations are greyed out.



Choose a "Mathcad" section:


None of the options are highlighted though.


Not at that link. I'm getting the error page - 'The item does not exist. It may have been deleted'.



Please check your account status on PTC's site ("Account Management" -> "Customer Support" -> "Customer Support Information"):

Option "Customer Maintenance" must be active (only users with an active maintenance account can see and vote on the ideas):


And here is how it looks this vote ( 😞


Cheers Vladimir, well in that case I cannot a new idea because I do not have customer maintenance


I'm in the same boat. No maintenance, therefore no ideas.

One would think that PTC would be interested in ideas from people it could sell more product to, in addition to maintaining current customers.

They are, but it seems wired that they would section a part of their website for maintenance paying customers.


I find it unbelievable that PTC has sectioned the website so maintenance customers only can add ideas.

Being beta testers I would have thought we would have the option to add ideas.


I find it unbelievable that PTC has sectioned the website so maintenance customers only can add ideas.

I think it is completely illogical for PTC to insist that customers pay to contribute to something that is primarily for PTCs benefit, not the customers. I am not sure that I find it unbelievable that they have done so though.


Customers pay for maintenance, so it's one of the benefits. The ideas and voting is a better solution that the current feature enhancement request that is now available for maintenance customers, since requests can be aggregated.

However anyone can post in the community pages, and this group is open for discussion for feature suggestions. We gather input for new features from many avenues.



Customers pay for maintenance, so it's one of the benefits

Yes, but my point is that it's primarily for the benefit of PTC, not the paying customer (by that I mean the idea submission, not maintenance in general, of course)

Mona Zeftel wrote:

Customers pay for maintenance, so it's one of the benefits.

I would have thought the users who beta test would have been given the same benefit, however I do get PTC's point of view, I think!!!!!

I honestly thought the last system we had worked, were users suggested in a single thread. We received some fantastic ideas.


Mike Armstrong wrote:

Mona Zeftel wrote:

Customers pay for maintenance, so it's one of the benefits.

I would have thought the users who beta test would have been given the same benefit, however I do get PTC's point of view, I think!!!!!

I believe I understand PTC's point of view, I just think it is illogical and hurts PTC. There is some benefit (or at least, perceived benefit) to the customer in being able to submit ideas. There is a much bigger benefit to PTC in getting those ideas and the votes that indicate which ones customers really want, and therefore which ones would allow them to sell more software (and maintenance contracts that would entitle users to upgrades!). But it seems PTC can't, or won't, give away the thing of small value to get back the thing of large value in return. They inssit on selling the thing of small value instead.

I think it is completely illogical for PTC to insist that customers pay to contribute to something that is primarily for PTCs benefit, not the customers. I am not sure that I find it unbelievable that they have done so though.

I tend to agree. As I just explained to Mona, I thought the last topic which requested users to suggest new features attracted a lot of interest and received some very good suggestions.


Well, I can go into "idea" but then under each subject everything is greyed out. So it look's like I can post a new idea (i didn't try), but just at the top level of Mathcad. And I wonder if there actually is any ideas or hwat other reasons there can be for me not being able to look into the lower levels.

That's as far as I get. If you follow Vladimir's instructions you can check if you have active 'Customer Maintainence'.


Yes and I am very active but it seems that this isn't sufficient... so I wonder if the idea has created a big black hole for ideas...


I see the line break idea that you posted. It would be good if you could vote on the one I posted, so the votes are combined.



Can non customer maintainence customers vote?


Can non customer maintainence customers vote?

No. Maintenance is a poll tax


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