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Finding the number and the index of the biggest number in an array thats less than X


Finding the number and the index of the biggest number in an array thats less than X

Can anyone help me?

I've got an array of 10 accending numbers that go from from 1 to 3000. I want to find what the biggest number thats less than or equal to 2000. e.g. if the array was 1,10,27,200,422,1500,1999,2500,2950, 3000 I would want the number 1999 and its index (6).



In the attached one method.

Regards. Alvaro.

Or another




5-Regular Member

Slightly different approach.


There are an issue -call it a bug- after reading better the post. Attached finds the closer and the closer by the left to a number in a vector.

Regards. Alvaro.

5-Regular Member

There are an issue -call it a bug- after reading better the post.

I'm not sure what your getting at?

Is it because I slightly modified Alan's function? All I was trying to do was to show a different way to iterate through the vector.


Alan's function and your modification it's ok. What is not is my first post: it searches for the closser in the vector, the title of the original post talk about the biggest but actually wanted result is the closser but by the left. What I modify was my first post, adding the requested search. But Alan implementation, and yours, are ok too.

Regards. Alvaro.

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