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Font problem


Font problem

Hello, I have a problem, when math operators are shown as unknown symbols (screenshot). Maybe someone can help me? Thanks.

Reinstall the symbol font (symbol.ttf). Richard

Didn't solve the problem. Still the same. Downloaded from:

OK. Then reinstall the Mathcad Unimath font from the CD. The problem has to be one of those (this has come up many times, and reinstalling the symbol font usually fixes it). Richard

I have already reinstalled Mathcad, so it replaced both fonts in fonts directory, anyway I have done it manually - still the same. It's strange that MS Equation 3.0 has the same problem. Definitely it's a font problem. Also I think it's not Math font issue. Maybe You can upload your symbol.ttf?

OK. Once you've downloaded it I'll delete it, because this forum has really lame limits on upload sizes. It has really lame limits on allowed extensions too, so it's in a zip file. Richard

Thanks, downloaded. Anyway, your file and mine are totally same, so I copied your symbol.ttf to fonts directory, but nothing happened. Seems like problem in other font or something else.

It's the symbol font, used by both Mathcad and the equation editor. How are you copying the font file to the font folder? Fonts actually need to be installed, not just copied. Copying using the Windows explorer automatically does an install, provided the font directory still has the control file that flags it as the font directory. You can tell if that is the case as if so when you browse the directory you will see a list of fonts rather than a list of file names.

"Tom Gutman" wrote:

You can tell if that is the case as if so when you browse the directory you will see a list of fonts rather than a list of file names.

Correct! Fonts have to be installed. I have deleted the old symbol.ttf file by hand and then opened C:\Windows\Fonts with explorer, File -> Install new font... and installed Richards file. Now everything is fine. Thanks!
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