For 1-dimensional element method analysis of a multi-layered soil system I need a vector that has value 1 at
each node which is connecting two soil layers and 0 in every other node.
The number of nodes in total is n and the number of soil layers is m.
As attached is a sheet with my tries and with explonations about what I'm trying to achieve.
My solution makes now a matrix with correct amount of nodes and value of 1 at each node that connects two layers,
but it forms a matrix with m columns,
and I don't know how to combine the columns into a single vector.
Thank you for your help.
Solved! Go to Solution.
I am not sure, but are you looking for something like this:
Werner Exinger wrote:
I am not sure, but are you looking for something like this:
Or maybe even this?
thank you, this was exactly what I was looking for!