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Happy Pi Day


Happy Pi Day

For all the mathematics fans out there, I wish you a Happy Pi Day (3/14); celebrating everyone's favorite mathematical constant

Here are some ways to celebrate >>



RogerMansfield wrote:

A circular slide rule is compact precisely because it wraps a linear slide rule around the circumference of a circle.

A linear slide rule is (was) for education - we always see that ln(a + b) = ln a * ln b.

A circular slide rule is for engineers.

When I was studying, circular slide rules were prohibited at my university.

I like my women like I like my numbers: irrational and transcendental.bnb_fol.PNG

Bart Briggs wrote:

I like my women like I like my numbers: irrational and transcendental.

and, sorry, real and, sorry one more, natural

There is/are a lot of very nice Arabian or Roman women, sorry, numbers...


I think Dan is now cut off this branch of this Math-discussion

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