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How do you put the calculations at the back in an Appendix, and still have MC function as usual.


How do you put the calculations at the back in an Appendix, and still have MC function as usual.


I have some detailed 2 or 3 page calculations that yield a final stress number. I want to put these detailed calculations at the back of the .mcdx in an Appendix on page 5 or page 6. I would like to keep the end result i.e. the stress on page 1  sort of like this..

S=10ksi    (for details please refer to Appendix A on pages 6 thru 😎


I would like S=10ksi value to change if I change something in the Appendix on pages 6 thru 8. Sort of reverse of what happens in a regular .mcdx file where the calculations are before the final value.


Is this possible? Any ideas?


Hmmmm! Everybody stumped??

23-Emerald III

One option would be to make the variable S a global variable. But that is a PITA because it ripples down to all variables needed to calculate S: they must be global as well (Don't know if Prime supports globals at all.).

The other option is to put your appendix in a separate file, that you reference at the beginning of your (main) worksheet, or at least before you need to display S's value. In that way no globals are required.




Thanks Luc,

What is a PITA? Could you please give me a small example of a global variable.


I like the idea of a separate file, but how would I reference it? Another small example would be very helpful

A global variable (available as an operator in Prime) is a three-line equals sign.  When you define it, it becomes available for calculation anywhere in the sheet, no matter where on the sheet you define it.  I like Luc's other suggestion better.


How do I attach a small mcdx to this post? I want to show you what I got. The browse says file types don't match or something like that

23-Emerald III

Look at the anouncement text to the right of this column...



zip your file, attach the zip.

please take a look at the attached zipped mcdx. is the sigma (total) to be globalized?

Something like this?

You can also put your calculations in an area, then collapse the area, but your equations won't be visible with the area collapsed

The include command works fine. I do get an exclamation mark in front of it, and it says "Warning PTC MC is using the CWD settings from the other file"" whatever that means.  


How do you collapse an area?


PS The globalization is still hung up

@jdesai-2 wrote:


How do you collapse an area?

Read the help filers for areas. 

25-Diamond I

 @jdesai-2 wrote:

How do you collapse an area?

See my example here:


PS The globalization is still hung up

Again look at the same post I just referenced, this time 😉

25-Diamond I

Yes, its possible, see attachment test2

But you need a lot of global assignments and thats sure not the preferred method.

Apart from putting the calculation in a separate sheet which you reference you may also consider putting it in a collapsed region at the top of the page. See test3


EDIT: oops! Seems like this time it was me being too late and Fred was faster 😉






Oh! Oh! the include just developed a hiccup. When I change the total stress in the Appendix.mcdx, it does not automatically change the final value (revise it) in the top level test.mcdx



23-Emerald III

You may have to force a recalculation of the entire top level worksheet to see the effect of such changes: press F9.

Hope that helps (I can't try it).





no f9 does not work

25-Diamond I

If you have both worksheets open in the editor you may have to save the edited and referenced worksheet before you recalculate the top level sheet.


23-Emerald III

If you intend to frequently change the appendix data, resulting in a new S-value, then maybe a (collapsed) area is a better choice.

An area (leftmost item on the 'Document' tab of the ribbon) is a marked part of the sheet that you can collapse by clicking the - sign to the top-left of it (sort of in the margin of the sheet). Then it turns into a +. To open it click the +.



So this time its me who has to go for some espresso 😉

23-Emerald III

A PITA is a Pain In The Ass (hope this passes the test...   Ah, it does!).


I can't show you how to reference a file, I'm limited to Express. It's called 'Include Worksheet' in the 'PTC Mathcad Worksheets' section of the 'Input/Output' tab of the ribbon. What effectively happens is that the full contents of the included worksheet gets inserted at the inclusion point. So all definitions and calculations as described in that worksheet occur in the main/parent/including worksheet at that point. So any definitions described in the included worksheet are known past the inclusion point.






per Luc's direction,  unpack both files to the same folder.


PITA is Pain in the  ARS*


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