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I am revamping some Mathcad programs created about 6 years ago in Mathcad 14 to Mathcad 15 and there is instability in the List/Combo boxes. They don't always fail, but when they do the program is unusable. The error message returned is "Error HRESULT E_FAIL has returned from a call to a COM component." Is there a new syntex that needs to be applied in Mathcad 15? THANKS for your help!!!!
I use 15 and the combo/lists boxes work fine. The HRESULT E_FAIL from a COM component points to scripting behind the list box caqusing an error.
Can you share the worksheet or partial worksheet which reproduces the error?
Thank you for the prompt reply John. I am glad to know that you aren't having any problems. Were these created in 15 or a previous version and still work in 15? I am not sure if I need to recreate them in 15 or if it is something else. It has been more stable the last couple of days. I haven’t been able to recreate it again. I think that it might be an issue with Excel. I am going to have my IT reinstall both Mathcad and Excel to see if that corrects it. If not, I will revert with the file.
THANKS and have a great day!!!!
UI controls have been around for a long time, you do not need to recreate them in 15 however.
IFo example, I open Mathcad 11 worksheets with UI controls in Mathcad 15 with no issues and no need to recreate.
Let me know if I can help in any way.