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How to import a name to declare a variable ?


How to import a name to declare a variable ?

Hi everyone

I've got an excel file : the first column is the names of the variables, the seconde is the values of these variables.

Example :

Parameter1 3

Parameter2 7

Parameter3 11

Parameter4 13

I need to import these datas in the following way :

1)- import the names, and declare them as variables (example : thanks to the program, the name of the first variable declared in MathCad has to be Parameter1) ; (this step gives me some problems)

2)- import the value of the variable in the variable declared (this step is done)

I mean, how to automatically declare a variable, with a name importated ?

Sorry for my english and many thanks to anyone could help me !



There may be an easier way to do what you want, but if you really need to do this you might look at this thread

But after you look at that, and you still want to do, there is actually a way. Richard had it all along, just forgot. The attached is a scrip written by Tom Gutman, modifed by Stuart Bruff (looks like he forgot too) and sent to me vie Richard (Thanks by the way).

Well remembered Wayne. I cannot see another way of achieving this.



Hi and many thanks for your help.

I read the thread, really helpful for the rigth use of variables ;

I also got a look at your script but I'm not sure I really understand the way I can use it : I'm not sure I can declare a variable with the function str2val ? I mean, with your .zip, if I call the variable "C=" (cf. funtag2), it can't say "C=23000".

In my case, I need to call the variable by its name.

I'm not sure that I'm clear, I try again ^^ :

with the exemple from my first post, the str2val will return the matrix below :

(Parameter1 = 3

Parameter2 = 7

Parameter3 = 11

Parameter4 = 13)

but "Parameter1" is not a variable : I couldn't call it in the rest of the worksheet, to do something like :

Parameter1 + Parameter2 =

To be clear, I have almost one hundred of variables, in an Excel file ; the first column are the names of the variables and the second are their values ; I have to import the names and the values in MathCAD, and then to do some calculations with them (integrals, etc). So, I can't declare "manually" all the variables, you see?

Unless I misunderstood the use of your str2val function ? ...



To be clear, I have almost one hundred of variables, in an Excel file [...] I have to import the names and the values in MathCAD, and then to do some calculations with them (integrals, etc).

Another way to do that is :

in my MathCAD file, I need to use the value of "Parameter1" ; Parameter1 isn't declared in this MathCAD worksheet, but a tiny routine could read the excel file and search for the "Parameter1" string in the ActiveSheet, and then return the value of it in MathCAD.

1) To do this, I create a Sheet in Excel, including :

Column A : values of variables ;

For each cell of Column A, I define a cell name corresponding to the name of the variable (So, here, the name of the cell A1 is Parameter1 and the value of the cell A1 is 3)

2) Then I try to call it in the MathCAD sheet :

TEST := READEXCEL(".\test_name.xls","Feuil1!Parameter1")

But two problems :

1) : MathCAD can't import an excel data with the cell name, only with its location :

READEXCEL(".\test_name.xls","Feuil1!A1") in this exemple

2) it would be really heavy, but I don't mind ^^

What do you think about this 'not a solution' ?

Can you upload an Excel sheet with the data and I'll see if I can use the worksheet posted by Wayne to get to to work for you.


I finally did it, in a rougher way...

Many thanks for your concern and the threads and examples, which brought a lot to me !


Any chance of the solution?




The str2var will work.

But it is only necessary when the variable name is not preset. For example, in my case, the user may want to make a new load combination and give it a unique name. This is done in a matrix of load combinations that is referenced into a worksheet that is based on that matrix, and for which the unique variable name must be used as a variable

If you know the names, or can assign the names, like Parameter1 thru 100, this is a much easier problem. I suspect that is more less what you did?

(Vladimir, could you be a little more concise, by the time I got to the period I forgot what you were talking about.?)


Yes, sorry I said that the str2var won't work, but finally it did :-s

In fact, the list of parameters is not as simple as I said, so I tried to use str2var for some of them, and for the others a simple function which I predefined with a "recherchev" (well I don't now the correspondance in english, maybe "researchv" ??) in a matrix which I use like a listing.

In this way, the user will have to specify the caracteristics of the parameters at the first beginning of the worksheet ; I thought it will be a constraint but looking back, it's just as well.

Thank you very much to all of you!


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