>Your range is from 0 to 2000. Divided into 1000 steps (the way quickplot works)
...I didn't notice the change in the graph when I pasted it into the file to be posted. I had reviewed QuickPlots before and after your post, and didn't / don't see a reference to the 1000 points, so I assumed that if I specified the limits on the x-axis then those intervals would be used for the index, rather than the -10..+10 referenced in Help, and not changed to 0..1000.
>Don't do it.
...not to fear...immediately following your first post, I changed both working files to reflect what you had said. I posted the last file because I still had questions. The process had mixed results in that I had to include simplified ranges for my plots (a plus), but then needed to add subscripts to my plot arguments (a minus). Overall worth it because it all works correctly now. I rarely use QuickPlots, so wasn't familiar with all the subtleties. Perhaps Help should declare that QuickPlots are for functions only. It is implied, perhaps: "To create a 2D QuickPlot, simply insert a plot operator, type x in the bottom placeholder, and x^2 in the left-hand placeholder." but I didn't interpret it that way. A note in Help regarding the way QuickPlots can change range intervals might be in order in light of this Help comment: "To modify the range of x in the QuickPlot, change the plot limits."