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Mathcad 14 Greek Symbol Problems


Mathcad 14 Greek Symbol Problems

I have just installed a new copy of Mathcad 14 on my computer. When I use greek symbols such as a phi for diameter, it displays as a square box. As well as this all my other greek letters look useless. I've searched the forums already and tried re-installing symbol.ttf and the unimath font from another trusted computer on whcih the symbols work and had no effect. Any suggesations would be appreciated as I use these symbols a lot.

When you installed the fonts are you sure they were actually installed, and not just copied to the fonts folder? Richard

Where are you trying to use these Greek symbols? In MC14 the symbol font is not used to display Greek characters. In math regions Greek characters are taken from the UniMath font. In text regions they are taken from the selected font (using Unicode encoding). If you have chosen a font that does not have the Greek characters, they will not display.

I have been installing the fonts in the font folder using File - Install font. The greek symbols are in math regions for defining varibales and then being used in equations.

Just tried installing the font files from the CD, these are MathCadUniMath.otf and MathcadUniMathItalic.otf it basically says it can't install these fonts and to contact the font vendor for an undamaged copy. Could this be the problem and if so what has caused it as I have managed to intall them perfectly well on my home computer. This is a problem with a works laptop. Both are running XP Professional SP3.

You can't install a font if it is already installed. Go to the fonts folder and delete the existing ones, then try again. You could also create a worksheet and post it here. We can then at least check it's not something else (such as a weird choice of font in the worksheet). Richard

I've deleted the fonts before trying to install them. I now don't have either of the previously mentioned fonts in the font folder, and can't get them back in there. Although this hasn't made any difference in terms of how the greek symbols are displayed in Mathcad. I've added an example worksheet as requested,as well as a pdf print which shows what is happening if it looks OK when you open the file on your copy of Mathcad.

They look fine for me, which is no great surprise. The fact that you can delete the fonts and it makes no difference tells you it's a font problem. When you say you can't get them back in there, what do you mean? If you log on to the PC will full admin privileges and copy the fonts to the Windows fonts folder, what happens? Richard

I've got full administrator rights on the computer and when I try ot put the fonts into the font folder I get the following error message Unable to install the mathcad-unimath (Open type font). The font file may be damaged. Check with the font vendor about obtaining a new file. I don't think there is naything wrong with the font file as i have managed to install them onto my home computer perfectly happily. I've tried copying the files from that computer and installing them and still get the same error message.

What about the symbol font? Do you get the same error with that? If you are trying to install them from anything other than the C drive (assuming Windoze is on C), try copying them to a temp folder on C first, then installing them. Whatever is going on here. I'm sure it has nothing to do with Mathcad, or corrupted fonts. It's an OS problem. Richard


I'm also experiencing MathCAD Greek Symbols issues.

I can't understand why this has occured. I have reinstalled MathCAD 14 twice and installed all fonts, but to no effect.

This is becoming an urgent problem as it is is stopping work from being approved.

Please can someone assist?



In the end the problem was to do with my graphics driver not allowing the symbols fonts to install. This was on a Dell M4400 precision laptop with a NVidia FX770 graphics card. I updated the driver and everything then worked.

James, thank you for your very quick reply.

So, shall I attempt to reinstall MathCAD again and then update the graphic driver or just update the drivers?

Do I need to install the mathcad fonts again??



5-Regular Member

Why don't you try doing the easier of the two.

I would personally try the driver.



When you reinstalled symbol.ttf how did you do it? Did Windows say anything when you installed it? It is possible to think you have reinstalled the font without actually doing so. If you did not delete symbol.ttf from the fonts folder before installing it again then Windows can try to outsmart you. It decides that since symbol.ttf is already installed it doesn't have to do anything! If the font installed correctly then Windows will have given you a message to that effect.

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