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In February 2021, we will receive Mathcad Prime 7.
I am betting $ 100 (8000 rubles) for the animation in the new version of the package.
I am betting $ 70 for the fact that the new version of the package will be able to show dll functions in the function window.
I am betting $ 50 for the fact that the new version of the package will be able to link to Mathcad files on the Internet.
What money would you like to put on what old and new opportunities?
Somebody, please check on Valery, he's not thinking clearly!
And please don't take advantage of him and take his bets. 😉
$20 linking inside workbooks
$10 table of contents
Well, "Prime 6" is a contradiction. "Prime 7" is not. 😎
1¢ their alarm clock will ring in February and they will wake up and see they've got nothing to show, so set it to 2022.
5¢ they will find a guy who made something at home out of boredom, and wants to sell them. That will be Prime 7.
10¢ someone will reverse-engineer the Creo-MC interface and make SMath work with Creo. That will be the end of Mathcad.
25¢ they will close the Mathcad department, sell it for a bottle of sangria, or make it Open Source.
50¢ they will forget about Mathcad, stop updating the information on the webpage, it will transition to the category of forgottenware (not to be confused with abandonware).
Ok, that's as much coins as I found in my drawer. Can get rid of them any other way as well.
1000$ - indexes in texts
1$ somebody at PTC wil suggest to buy Excel because the graphing features are good enought for MC Prime. On failing that they will resort to Lotus 1-2-3.
Freecad has the spreadsheet with physical units. Quite useful!
Valery, what about the partial derivatives solver?
I think we do not need an espesial view for this operator
That's about finding the partial derivatives. How would you solve this PDE?
You wouldn't use Mathcad. You'd use Mathematica, Maple or Mupad. This is Maple (works in Mathematica as well):
Is it possible to solve that [articular equation using the numol solver of Mathcad Prime?
I think numol is limited to eliptic or hyperbolic PDEs. The tricomi equation is mixed eliptic-hyperbolic, so perhaps yes, numol will solve it. Please try and let us know
I couldn't find any way to solve the Tricomi equation by numol or any other PDE solver. Then I tried to do symbolically using
but I get only the trivial solution x=0, instead of the nontrivial
If anybody can suggest anything would be appreciated.
where is Mathcad Prime 7.0? It's already March (with hope).
When people wanting something hear "March," they think "March 1st!"
When people making a commitment say "March," they mean "March 31st!"