I am using Minimize trying to find some 200 parameters that result in a minimum value for a function. Now I noticed that the last 80 parameters (after parameter # 120) do not not change during the optimization process. Now I wonder if 120 is the maximum parameters that Minimize function accepts? I am using version 14.0 M011.
Thank you in advance
From the Mathcad 14 Help ...
The function Minimize and others with variable number of arguments (find, min, max, mean etc) can have not more 50 arguments. We can use at more arguments a vector-argument.
Stuart and Valery,
Thank you for your replies. To make thos more clear, I have a function which has 10 vectors as variables. Five of them have 35 Unknown and the other five have 5 unknow that has to be found through Minimize. There are 40 contraints. I took a print screen of how it looks like:
So here A,Ap,... are vectors with 35 unknowns and B,Bp,...are vecotrs with 5 unknowns. K,Kp,...are function of B vectors and there are 40 of them. I am using Nonlinear conjucage gradient algorithm. What I am seeing here is that the value of A,Ap,App,B,Bp,Bpp (120 uknowns in total) are being optimized but the value of Appp,Bppp,Apppp,Bpppp does not change at all after optimization is done (so the values remain the same it was before optimization).
Based on what you mentioned there should n't be any problems. Am I correct? What could be wrong here. Please note that if I change the initial guess for Appp,Bppp,Apppp,Bpppp the values of the function "Error" that I am trying to optimize changes.
Thank you
I think it will be better to use not Minimize but MinErr function.