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I am trying to find the local minimum of a function using Minimize function in Mathcad 15. I would like to use the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. However, I am unable to select this option from the menu, see the image below.
Please let me know if it is poosible with Minimize function.
Many thanks
From Mathcad (11) Help. I suspect Mathcad 15 will be little different:
"Conjugate gradient method for solving
The Conjugate Gradient method is one of the nonlinear methods to use with the find, minerr, minimize, and maximize functions.
Means that the Conjugate gradient method can be used for Minimize.
The iterative Levenberg-Marquardt method can be used during the solving process called by find, or minerr.
Means that the LM method canNOT be used for Minimize.
The Mathcad 15 help is indeed different and if you read the section describing the various algorithms you may get the impression that LM is available with minimize, too. But then the help section for minimize and maximize clearly states: