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I put in order my desk drawer and found this is what:
Then I found it in Internet -
Soviet fine art
Something here your vaunted Mathcad did something wrong. I'll check everything on the good old slide rule!
Where is this collection?
Do you know?
@ValeryOchkov wrote:
Where is this collection?
Do you know?
No, I didn't. But using Google's picture search you easily can find out that its an exhibition at Perdue University (Indiana). Or, as I understood, it WAS an exhibition until 2009, when the wall of slide rules finally was taken down and only six slide rules (owned original by alumni astronauts) were kept and stored in the library.
Mathcad with Zoom and one slide rule with Zoom!
Soviet cult film "The Mystery of Two Oceans" (censored by PTС)
Igor Sikorsky slide rule
There is a story about the slide rule of Igor Sikorsky's cousin and its burn marks.
“I recall being in Prof Sikorsky’s office asking for
help in calculating rotor performance. Professor
Sikorsky, as he was called, was Igor Sikorsky’s
cousin who had become the company’s chief
aerodynamicist. When I sat down next to his
desk, I noticed that his extra-long K&E slide rule
was full of burn marks because he often rested
his cigarette on the slide rule while doing something
else. I asked Prof what he would do if the
cursor ended up directly over a burn mark obscuring
the answer to his string of calculations.
Without hesitating, Prof replied, ‘I make-ed verry
good guess.’