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Numeric Solve equation


Numeric Solve equation

Hi, I want to solve numericly this equation. can anyone help me ? I am new with MathCad.

Also, is it possible to break the equation to make it in two lines ? Right after the =0 would be the best. The CtrlShiftEnter does not work at this place. 


Thank you


Accepted Solutions

To solve this simple equation numerically you may either use a solve block or the "root" function in one of its two flavors (either provide a range or a guess value).

An1d, no - you can't insert a line break where you like - it must be at an operator (+,-,*..) and the symbolic arrow will still show to the right of it, making for an even uglier display:


You may consider going to the calculation option and check "Use units/constants in symbolic math"


View solution in original post


Please attach your worksheet. NOT just a picture. 




Here it is, thank you ! 

To solve this simple equation numerically you may either use a solve block or the "root" function in one of its two flavors (either provide a range or a guess value).

An1d, no - you can't insert a line break where you like - it must be at an operator (+,-,*..) and the symbolic arrow will still show to the right of it, making for an even uglier display:


You may consider going to the calculation option and check "Use units/constants in symbolic math"


Thank you !



The reactions to the structure are statically determinate.  They can be solved directly without resort to Prime's solve systems.  eg.







Yes I know, It is a simple demonstration for students. This is why I am using this method. 


Thank you


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