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One task with 3 bobs - Forces searching

24-Ruby IV

One task with 3 bobs - Forces searching

I try to find forces in this task. The Mathcad 15 sheet is in attach. Are equations in the Given-Find block right?

What is the 8-th equation?


103 REPLIES 103

Thanks, Volker!

For me English ist ein Dialekt von German


Hi Valery,

Translation into German is done the half way (Google Tranlator is sometimes a hard and touchy thing...).

I translate into english with Google because the translation into german by Google is horrible and roughly wrong.

Translation from english to german by myself works.

For completing a text passage, what do you mean exactly with the marked word:

This is Google translation:


СЛАУ - Система Линейных Алгебраических Уравнений - system of linear algebraic equations

Hi Volker!

We need for the journal an abstract and keywords. See me try in Russian.

May be edit it and translate into English!

The journal needs too your place of work!


В статье рассказано, как можно провести реальную лабораторную работу по физике (механике) с привлечением современных математических пакетов, в частности, пакета Mathcad. Рассматриваются методы решения задач статики, кинематики и динамики с использованием анализа сил, действующих на материальные точки (ньютоновский подход), и минимизацией энергии (метод Лагранжа). Описаны методы визуализации решений с помощью статической графики и анимации с отображением траекторий движущихся материальных точек.


Ключевые слова: физика, механика, статика, кинематика, динамика, метод Ньютона, метод Лагранжа, Mathcad, анимация.

See please templates here - in begins of articles in Russian and in ends - in English Том 4 Номер 1 | 



it's not really clear for me what you want.


Volker Lehner написал(а):

it's not really clear for me what you want.


I need only place of the your work and the address


Ah! ok.

check your e-mail please.



Hi Volker!

Is it a correct translation?


Abstract. The article tells how it is possible to do real laboratory work on physic (mechanic) with the use of modern mathematical packages, in particular, the Mathcad package. Methods for solving static, kinematic and dynamic problems using the analysis of forces acting on mass points (the Newtonian approach) and minimizing energy (the Lagrange method) are considered. Methods for visualizing solutions using static graphics and dynamic animation with the mapping of the trajectories of moving material points are described.


Key worlds: Physics, mechanics, statics, kinematics, dynamics, Newton's method, Lagrange's method, Mathcad, animation.




maybe this translation is a bit more to the point you suggested to tell with your article:

"The article shows the possibility of how to conduct a real physical laboratory work  (mechanics) with the use of modern mathematical methods, in particular, the Mathcad package. The methods for solving static, kinematics and dynamics problems including the analysis of forces which act on material points (the Newtonian approach) and minimizing energy (the Lagrangesche method) are described there. The Tools for visualizing solutions using static diagrams and dynamic animations of the trajectories of moving material points will be impressively presented.

Key words: physics, mechanics, statics, kinematics, dynamics, Newton's method, Lagrange method, Mathcad, animation."

By the way: I need your text to my statement in the Thread "2 blocks&3 mass" to finish the complete translation into German.

Volker Lehner schrieb:

In attempting to solve a physical problem by physically setting up different forces for the physics of Newton's laws for an arrangement and to calculate these in the solution block using the Odesolve function, errors occur.
If I change various signs in my equations (although this contradicts the physical correctness!), I get a result.
From a scientific point of view, the application of the solution block on this point makes no sense from my point of view.

Valery, I would appreciate it very much if you mention that in your report.

Thank you.



Last version 27/05/1027

With one interesting end with 2 new pictures

Littel add to the end of the article




Volker Lehner написал(а):

Great articel!

I showed the article to Professor Kirsanov, the author of a book on theoretical mechanics using Maple

He liked the article very much. He said that we have new interesting methods for solving problems.

And may be Mathcad is here more useful than Maple.

Here's what I found in my desk drawer


Soviet coins we can use too for it



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