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Is it possible to preview a MC3 file with a MC2? Currently MC2 will open the document as a blank sheet.
No. And we can't save from Prime 3 to Prime 2 format either. There is zero backward compatibility.
But you can use Mathcad Prime Express 3.0 as a viewer.
But can you install Prime 3 Express without uninstalling Prime 2? I think not.
You can install Prime 3 even if you have Prime 2 installed. The last version installed will be used for the converter.
OK, but that would still be a problem because then you could no longer import .mcd or .xmcd files to Prime 2.0, even further limiting what you could do with it.
Yes, the converter will only work for the latest version of Prime.
I have only just seen this and cannot believe what I am reading. Why on earth would PTC write Prime 3.0 like this, basically making Prime 2.0 redundant when Prime 3.0 is installed.
I am sure that the previous post by PTC has very fundamentally not answered the original question.
My response is in response to Richards question about installing Prime 3.0 after installing Prime 2.0
Richard has answered the original question.
I have both installed (MC2 & MC3) unfortunately the rest of my co-workers use MC2 so I can not share my MC3 templates or documents with them. Furthermore it is a nightmare trying to copy work done in MC3 to MC2 as stated in the prior posts. Thank you for the help, I hope there is a solution to this soon.
Let's prey that all of these issues are ironed out in Prime 4.0.
If that would be the case, then I'm gonna start believing in Santa Claus...
Hahahaha - maybe he might bring us something. I don't think Prime 4.0 will be where we want to be.