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Anyone else wonder what will happen in future versions of Mathcad Prime? Or are all so disappointed release 3.0 as hearing more about the Prime did not want to?
What's to wonder about? We will creep forward at the same grindingly slow pace. At some point in the future Prime will actually be able to do the things MC15 does, but I don't believe it be Prime 4, or even Prime 5. At the rate we are going I have my doubts that Prime 15 will be as capable as MC15.
In Russian it is:
В час по чайной ложке
Тянуть кота за хвост
Заставь кой-кого Богу молиться, так он и лоб расшибет
I hope there is some words in English too
Richard Jackson wrote:
What's to wonder about? We will creep forward at the same grindingly slow pace. At some point in the future Prime will actually be able to do the things MC15 does, but I don't believe it be Prime 4, or even Prime 5. At the rate we are going I have my doubts that Prime 15 will be as capable as MC15.
I still cannot believe we are having these discussions.
Why on earth are PTC working on 'Enhanced Integration with Creo' when Mathcad itself is not up to scratch?
Presentation "Mathcad Prime - Product Update and Roadmap 2013" can be found in attachment.
Thanks for the presentations.