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I need to write, in Mathcad Prime 3.0, the partial derivative of a function, but I do not know how to do it. Can anybody help? Thanks
Under the Math tab look under Operators and then Calculus
In operators and calculus I see just the normal derivative symbol (d/dt).
Sorry I did not read your post correctly. I do not think there is an option for partial derivative in Prime 3.0. If I remember correctly it was an right click mouse option in M15.
In Prime 3.0, you can use the regular derivative symbol to accomplish a partial derivative. The notation will obviously be different, but the function will be the same.
Jonathan Luke Westbrook wrote:
In Prime 3.0, you can use the regular derivative symbol to accomplish a partial derivative. The notation will obviously be different, but the function will be the same.
I never understood why we need to have two symbol for the derivative. Tradition tribute?
Valery Ochkov wrote:
Jonathan Luke Westbrook wrote:
In Prime 3.0, you can use the regular derivative symbol to accomplish a partial derivative. The notation will obviously be different, but the function will be the same.
I never understood why we need to have two symbol for the derivative. Tradition tribute?
We can discuss and redefine every single piece of agreed on vonvention and notation, but why should we do so?
A math software has to follow the common math notation as close as possible.
In math a differential "dx" is more than just an indicator for building a derivative wrt x.
Think about a simple total differential of a function in just two variables
We sure would get into trouble by not distinguishing between and dx.
BTW: this a formum about a math software. Isn't it a shame we don't have a decent equation editor on our dispose when we write messages here? Just a little bit of TEX would do the job pretty well. We can't even use simple super or subscripts, but all that social media nonsense. 😞
Werner Exinger wrote:
Valery Ochkov wrote:
Jonathan Luke Westbrook wrote:
In Prime 3.0, you can use the regular derivative symbol to accomplish a partial derivative. The notation will obviously be different, but the function will be the same.
I never understood why we need to have two symbol for the derivative. Tradition tribute?
In math a differential "dx" is more than just an indicator for building a derivative wrt x.
I never understood why we need to have two symbol for the derivative. Tradition tribute?
Sorry must be so:
I never understood why we need to have two symbol for the derivative in math(cad) software..
Now I see that a (common) math notation has to follow the math software.
A lot of math articles is aa listing of math software.
Jonathan Luke Westbrook wrote:
In Prime 3.0, you can use the regular derivative symbol to accomplish a partial derivative. The notation will obviously be different, but the function will be the same.
I think beterr to return this operator in Prime than to answer on this question one more and one more...
Technically there is no difference between the partial and the regular derivative. But its annoying we cannot show the symbol the correct way in Prime as we were able to do up to Mathcad 15.
Depending on what you want to achieve you may chose to define some auxiliary functions (collapsed area) to simulate another way to denote partial derivatives.