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I was wondering if someone can point me in the right direction.
Suppose you have a cylinder with a center drilled hole, at the end of the hole a perpendicular hole is drilled through the cylinder wall as shown below:
How can i calculate the pressure drop if the fluid flows from left to right.
The fluid is turbulent
@snã¦ss wrote:
I was wondering if someone can point me in the right direction.
Suppose you have a cylinder with a center drilled hole, at the end of the hole a perpendicular hole is drilled through the cylinder wall as shown below:How can i calculate the pressure drop if the fluid flows from left to right.
The fluid is turbulent
People have been trying to solve this (with accuracy) for a long time. A good finite element model, properly set up, will come close. There are numerous handbooks (Crane Company used to put out a really good one) that can assist an empirical estimate.
There are a lot of variables: hole diameter, lengths, effective radius of the turn, Reynolds Number, etc. The sharp turn at the end is the major problem.
The first is theory behind pipe loss coefficient.
Second is experimental values of coefficient including mitred bends
In order of preference:
a.) experiments
b.) CFD
c.) Equations.
d.) Tabulated loss parameters (k-factors or minor losses)
C & D are easiest.
For C here's one example that I'll assume has something close to your problem. (Idel'chik)
Crane Technical Paper 410 is good, as Fred points out - but not free. Any fluids book should have some minor loss factors to get you going.
A careful web search can reveal a pdf of Crane TP 410