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Prime documentation

25-Diamond I

Prime documentation

As far as I am aware Prime does not come with a complete documentation and reference. We get the six small pdf's and the help which does not seem to be that comprehensive and is not that comfortable to use, too.

I know that the last documentation (which deserved that name) we got with Mathcad was that from version 11. Over 500 pages and I still use it, both the printed and the pdf version. Later, we were fobbed off with a stripped-down version, the "Mathcad Users Guide" - still about 170 pages and in the last versions in pdf format only.

Are there any plans by PTC to provide a comprehensive documentation and a complete reference again? At least in pdf format. Would be much appreciated!


Werner Exinger wrote:

Are there any plans by PTC to provide a comprehensive documentation and a complete reference again?

I think that's a rhetorical question.

Valery Ochkov wrote:

Werner Exinger wrote:

Are there any plans by PTC to provide a comprehensive documentation and a complete reference again?

I think that's a rhetorical question.

Why? Hope dies last!

Lets see if we get a reply by PTC on this.

I have this book you wanted on paper on my e-book and no problem.


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I am not sure what you want to demonstrate with your posting flood. I know the Prime help is there but its by far no substitute for a comprehensive documentation and certainly not for a complete reference.

Hope you won't suggest printing the help page by page in a pdf - that would certainly result in an ugly looking document.

Lets wait for PTC to answer. Maybe they are already working on a documentation to accompany the finished product Prime x.0.

Let to save trees and use not paper but e-books!


Valery Ochkov wrote:

Let to save trees and use not paper but e-books!

A matter of personal taste and way of working.

Paper or not, the Prime help is no replacment. IMHO there still is need for a comprehensie doc and a complete refere

EDIT: I don't know where this textbox comes from but I am unable to get rid of it. So simply ignore it.

Werner Exinger wrote:

Valery Ochkov wrote:

Let to save trees and use not paper but e-books!

A matter of personal taste and way of working.

Paper or not, the Prime help is no replacment. IMHO there still is need for a comprehensie doc and a complete refere

Sorry, but doc, pdf etc is an IT of XX century.

In XXI century we can use "live" documents without paper but with links and others multimedia tolls.

I can read a text on my tablet on my couch and opep Mathcad sheets by one click..

Hello Valery,

sorry, but your noble attitude towards trees is besides the point. Whether silicon or carbon based, I'd like to see as good a documentation for Prime as I have it for MC11.

The Prime documentation is apparently a work in progress and it is to be hoped that with time it will improve.


Valery Ochkov wrote:

Sorry, but doc, pdf etc is an IT of XX century.

In XXI century we can use "live" documents

As long as those "live" documents are more cumbersome and laborious to use and as long as they are much more incomplete I'd happily stick with the XX century.

I can read a text on my tablet on my couch and opep Mathcad sheets by one click..

Yes, I think we all have already realized that you use a tablet 😉

As Raiko just pointed out, work on Prime's help does not seem to be finished (as is work on Prime itself) and so lets see if we have a chance to get a good documentation and a complete reference (and I am not speaking of whats called reference in the help) as well.

No problem!

We must in first line to have a good html docmentation and than we can create pdf etc files for paper etc books

Documenations which are created from hypertext like help files, wikis, etc. usually are of mediocre quality compared to those which are aimed for a linear medium from the very beginning. The latter requires more and better planning of the structure but this pays off in the end for the user. Unfortunately, today many companies shy away from this effort and would rather fill the information more or less randomly in a hyper text / wiki system.

So my hope is still that PTC would aim at a good documentation and reference at the end, too.

Werner Exinger wrote:

Yes, I think we all have already realized that you use a tablet 😉

Now I have not a student but a tandem "student-tablet"


I know exactly what you mean. My children also come always with their smart phones in tandem as if they were borne with it 😉


One of my students wrote with a normal pencil a word web-сервер (web-server). He wrote web, and then he began to look at the pencil button for a switch from Latin to Cyrillic register

I myself have often noticed that if I do not see the paper book a text with small letter, I'm trying to use not a magnifying glass but... fingers.

But we must now write study books for students and those students cannot write with a normal pencil and cannot read a paper book.

But we must now write study books for students and those students cannot write with a normal pencil and cannot read a paper book.

Whether paper or ebook - most can read, but won't know or realize what they had read, thats the tragedy.

Sorry but it is now my Russian library (life documentation).

Now I am a little ill, stay at home, read fine books and... have contacts with this forum.


Now I am a little ill, stay at home, read fine books and... have contacts with this forum.

Sorry to hear that.

All the best and a speedy recovery!

or, according to allmighty Google translate

Все самое лучшее и скорейшего выздоровления!

Werner Exinger wrote:

Все самое лучшее и скорейшего выздоровления!

Ich bedanke mich Hz=1/s


hope that you will be well soon again.


Raiko Milanovic wrote:


hope that you will be well soon again.


Спасибо - Спаси Бог - Save Got!

I like to sometimes slightly to catch a cold, do nothing and wallow at home ... But a little...


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