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Good morning,
I am using the "erl" function to get the reduced row-echelon form of a mxn matrix. However, the results in MathCad 15 shows some fractions. If you make some han calculations you can get the unit form matrix (only 1/0 in the upper left portion of matrix) and thats the result that you get from other software like Maple, MatLab or making all reduction steps by hand. I am wondering if there is any way to get this from MathCad.
Oscar J.
Can you attach Mathcad worksheet?
It seems that only Mathcad 11.0a gives the desired result (see the comparison of results below).
Mathcad 11.0a:
Mathcad 15 M010:
Mathcad Prime 1.0:
In Mathcad 15 M005 all is OK!
As in Mathcad 11!
That's interesting. It seems that here is the same error with "rref" function as in this document :
In Mathcad 14:
Oscar Delgado wrote:
...I am using the "erl" function...
User-defined function?
erl is your user function?
Good morning,
I use MathCad in french. For me the function "rref" is "erl".
<<erl(A) renvoie la forme échelonnée réduite de A.>>
Oscar J.
Oscar Delgado wrote:
Good morning,
I use MathCad in french. For me the function "rref" is "erl".
<<erl(A) renvoie la forme échelonnée réduite de A.>>
Oscar J.
The French simply can not calm down and accept that the French language ceased to be a mathematician language
Rename built-in function?!
What is the name of this finction in china or italian version of Mathcad?
We partly use Russian names of function in Russian version of Excel if - если, max - макс etc. But main part of function has origin english names.