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Running a MathCAD sheet multiple times with different variable inputs from an excel spreadsheet


Running a MathCAD sheet multiple times with different variable inputs from an excel spreadsheet

Hi All, 

We have recently carried out some testing on a system which has generated quite a bit of data on a spreadsheet. 

A calculation was set up to prove the original operation, but since there is now data, our client would it processed. Is there a way to obtain data from an excel spread sheet (one column), put a single value (one cell of the column), process via mathcad calculation and then export the cell to another spread sheet with the result variable desired?


Yes, please read up on the readexcel and writeexcel functions. You can also embed an Excel Component which could be useful, but from what you've described, read/write seem to be the way to go.

I manage the Creo and PTC Mathcad YouTube channels for PTC, as well as all PTC Mathcad marketing in general.

This is part of the solution, but not the critical part of


it. I need to run it by putting in a variable from the spreadsheet where the top red mark is, add it to a vector and process it to get a number at the bottom.


So while I can use read excel to get one variable through to get 1 answer, I need it to return to the top, get the next variable and run that one through as well, obviously continuing till I run out of data.


Can you structure this process with a program with a loop?

(Sounds like you may or may not want it to be recursive too if I'm understanding it right, which I might not be...)

I get the impression you don't want to share the worksheet because it has your client's details on it and you can't make that public, so I can't offer much more specific suggestions.

I manage the Creo and PTC Mathcad YouTube channels for PTC, as well as all PTC Mathcad marketing in general.


I'll try and post it here. The website through a hissy fit the last time I try to post it.. I'm having to modify it slightly. But to give you something that would work, if you look at the output from the test rig, I want to import the angle into the alpha check variable and the two static ram forces (the last two columns shown) into FLA and FLB respectively. For where I'm currently at in the worksheet, if it could export the magnitude of R4A and R4B so I can see how it works if it's possible (or some basic steps on how to go about it, I imagine if I can get this to work, we would use something similar quite often)




I did add some extra lines. If I could automate the read and write excel loops, I think that would work

Hi @SM_6465178,


I wanted to follow up with you on your post. It seems that your issue has been answered. 
If so, please mark the appropriate reply as the Accepted Solution. 



Hi Anurag,


While I have seen some really awesome ways in which we can use MathCAD with this thread, the topic is still not answered. And maybe its an external thing that needs to happen. I think with the last MathCAD sheet I supplied, it probably streamlines the process.


So what I would like to do, is read the data from the cell into MathCAD, then process it (via some solve blocks and other equations that may lend themselves to programming (if they do, would anyone have a really simple example) and then write the result in the cell. Then loop and start the process again with the next row down and continuing until the data is processed.

Why don't you read in the whole data column from Excel in a Prime vector in one go, process each element of that vector in Prime (it would to turn your calculations into functions), collect the results in a new vector which at the end is written back to the Excel sheet.



Using READEXCEL and WRITEEXCEL I made tetrahedron plots. At first READEXCEL read original tetrahedron 1.xlsx. Then made and write 2.xlsx file. Thereafter program continue the sequence. 

You must make unique names for each excel file and read and write it sequencially. 



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