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I am new to MC Prime 2.0, but I have been using MC 2001i and MC 14 at High School, but license expired when I graduated.
On to the issue:
I want Mathcad to solve some differential equations and give me out the function as a result like
y'(x) = x+5y/4^2
and then I press
y(x) = <answer comes here>
and out comes the function that matches those conditions. I have no idea of how to this, except something about that ODESolve, but I can't figure out how to use it, and the web isn't at any help at all (neither the built in tutorial).
By the way, it is all random numbers that I just pressed in the example
Press please not = but Ctrl+=
1) Prime cannot solve a DE symbolically, so you cannot get Prime to give you the equation y(x). The best Prime could help you is doing the Laplace transform. But as this is a symbolical operation it will not be available in the free Prime Express.
2) Odesolve will solve the DE numerically. You will not see a function equation but you would be able to use y(x) to evaluate, plot, etc. But again, odesolve is not available in the free Prime Express.
I am using MC Prime 2.0 licensed, purchased etc. and not a free version (didn't know there is/was one)
So the example from the help should give you a hint on how to use odesolve. Again - ist only a numeric solution.
How do u solve a dif equation using laplace method in Mathcad?
Thanks to all of you trying to help me. I copy-paste'd Werner Exinger's example, and got an error saying that it couldn't form a deritive matrix (whatever that deritive is). I mark the question as assuemed answered since it looks like MC can't do what I want it to do so I go back to my TI-89 that can solve it with 10 seconds. I hope they will improve MC and implement what other programs already can do (seen it)
Maybe you'd better have posted/attached your real problem rather than "just pressing random numbers" as you wrote.
I've attached one of my issues (got several like this, which my TI-89 can solve using a function named deSolve)
You don't show the sheet which fails for you so I can not tell what error you made.
Anyway, the DE is no problem for Prime - at least not numerically.
The ability to be able to solve DE's symbolically as in other Math software is a long standing wish of the user community.
Of course you can solve this specific equation symbolically with Mathcad, too, as its a simple integration.
Here is one way:
and here is another