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How do I display solutions step by step?
For instance, how do I get Matcad to display the cross product of two vectors and show me the final solution in the form (a x b / |a x b| ) not in vector column form but as a whole fraction?
I can see a result in matric column form by using the simbolic operator, -> . But the explicit operator doesn't return a numerical solution.
I will need to calculate also differential equations and integrate and it would greatly help if I could check solutions that I derive by hand.
Thank you.
1. Use please explicit,ALL
2. Step-by-step for ODE solution see, please, for example
Valery Ochkov schrieb:
2. Step-by-step for ODE solution see, please, for example
Valery, I fear that Rosanella had something different in mind when she asked for a step by step solution 😉
@Rosanella: One other way of showing the construction of the unit vector - not that pretty but without extra variables and in one line:
Rosanella di-Costanzo schrieb:
I will need to calculate also differential equations and integrate and it would greatly help if I could check solutions that I derive by hand.
What kind of DEs and integrals? Post examples of what you have tried. Are you interested in analytic symbolic solutions or in numeric ones?
How do I display solutions step by step?
Not being an eductional software Mathcad is not really good in doing so. Using the explicit operator usually does not give us the wanted results.
The best I could come up with is this (you could make use of the numeric evaluation as well if you like):
Using a "dirty trick" you can make it look like this:
I've just tried it on a first & 2nd-order partial derivative and it works. Problem solved.
Many thanks