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I was hoping to create a 3-D model of a complex shape and then evaluate the surface area of specific segments depending on a rotation about an axis. I was told to implement MathCAD to do this but have little experience with the software. Does anyone have suggestions on how I might be able to do this? Thank you very much.
Jeff Pontell
Do you have a function that describes the surface?
I do not; I can model it as a combination of shapes, say cylinders, ogives, frustums, etc. but it can not be modeled as one function. How would you suggest going about doing this? Thank you for the response.
How does the surface area change with rotation?
I should have clarified: it is the surface area of the segment of the shape visible after a certain rotation. For instance, if the shape was a cylinder and the aspect angle was head-on toward either flat side, the surface area of interest would be pi*R^2; if it was 90 degrees from that directly toward the 'side' of the cylinder, it would be 2*pi*r*l/2 (half of the lateral surface area because only one side of it is visible). Does this make more sense? Sorry for the confusion and thank you.
So it's not projected surface, it's visible surface!
That's some problem!!