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Здравствуйте, у меня есть одна проблема при вычислении, когда я ставлю символьные операции (явные, все), у меня много значений после запятой.how to make it so that there are fewer of them, for example 3


Hello, I have one problem when calculating, when I put character operations (explicit, all), I have many values ​​after the comma. how to make it so that there are fewer of them, for example 3


Translated by Iuliana Lazar with Google Translate on 23 Nov. 2022


Whenever you use a symbolic evaluation (like you did with "explicit") and just one of the involved number is not an integer but rather a float number, the symbolic engine switches to some sort of float mode and does all calculations with (I think) about 20 significant digits. There is no way to avoid this but you can try to control the number of significant digits by adding the modifer "float,nn" , where nn is the number of significant digits (not the number of decimals!). But this should be used with great care (some may say it should not be used at all) because using the "float" modifier not only affects just the display of the result, but also the accuracy of the entire calculation!

EDIT: I just noticed that using "float" nullifies the desired effect of "explicit".


So you would have to round down ALL involved numbers to get the desired display and this may significantly affect the accuracy of your calculations!





Very inconvenient and dangerous (as it may introduce sever inaccuracies). Wish PTC would implement a better way (without using the symbolic engine) to fulfill the desire for the possibility of a useful calculation documentation.




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