I tried to access an E-book, specifically calculations and table data in:
"About Electrical Power Systems Engineering
The documents in this book carry out common design calculations from electrical power systems engineering..."
The links in this E-book -- from the TOC, Index, and all pages in general -- do not work.
I searched Help using "book", "e-book", and "E-books", but found no similar issue discussed. Is there a special technique or setting required to use these older E-books with Prime 3.1?
Also, if there are any other "keyword(s)" I should try - I would appreciate the feedback. Thanks in advance!
Best regards,
Michael O.
Neither Prime 3.1 nor Prime 3.0 have the E-Book feature like we were used to from Mathcad (V.15 and below) and also both don't support (hyper)links as we have it in Mathcad
So its not clear what kind of E-Book for P3.0 you are talking of.