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Hi Folks,
I am currently using the attached component which remotely recalculates a Mathcad worksheet.
I would like to modify the script to allow simple calculate (F9) and not full recalculation (CTRL+F9).
I tried to change ".Recalculate" into ".Calculate", no success.
I tried to send a press key F9, still not working.
I will really appreciate your help there!
Sorry, it's not possible.
I investigated the issue and i end up to the conclusion that i could do the job by launching autokey.exe (sendkey open source software) Do you know how to run external software tru a component? Thx a bunch .. Jm
I investigated the issue and i end up to the conclusion that i could do the job by launching autohotkey.exe (sendkey open source software) Do you know how to run external software tru a component? Thx a bunch .. Jm
Do you know how to run external software tru a component?
There's several examples here:
If it works, let me know. There are some other interesting things that could be done that way.