On 12/2/2009 5:28:12 PM, Mona Zeftel wrote:
>We are looking at waterfall
>plots. My question is how do
>you use them?
>Do you want them to be 2D
>plots with an offset, as
>demonstrated in the Waterfall
>QuickSheet, or more of a 3D
>plot, as I've seen in other
3D, like this:
>Several people requested that
>2D plots could plot an array
>as if it were a collection of
>individual (column) vectors
>(each column would be a
>different trace).
That is a necessity. Without that feature lots of Mathcad graphs could not be either imported or (shudder) recreated.
>Would this fulfil the
>Waterfall plot spec?
It's a way to create something, but it's not very versatile.
>What happens if you have a
>very large array with over a
>100 columns?
Just plot it. Why should the number of columns matter?