Hi, is it possible in Mathcad 15 or Prime to do a vector element by element addition that takes as input 2 vectors for example,vector x = [ A,B,C ] and y = [ a,b ] and has as output z = A+a, A+b, B+a, B+b,C+a & C+b ?
Thank you!
Solved! Go to Solution.
search help for "vectorize", it puts an arrow over the operation and does it element by element.
It does, however, require elements with the same number of elements. What you are asking would require programming.
Which data structure do you imagine for z? A 3 x 2 matrix?
Hi WE, thank you very much for your excellent answer. Since you are asking me I prefer if the 3X2 matrix would be 3 1x2 matrix, that is
[A+a, A+b]
[B+a, B+b]
[C+a, C+b]
Thank you expert!