I have to find the last value from a vector which is bigger from 0, as in the attached example. How can it be determined?
Thank you,
Solved! Go to Solution.
There are many ways to skin a cat.
Here are a few alternatives but I'd stay with Luc's approach, maybe adding some error check as shown in variant 3.
Variant 4 is a classic programming approach.
There are many ways to skin a cat.
Here are a few alternatives but I'd stay with Luc's approach, maybe adding some error check as shown in variant 3.
Variant 4 is a classic programming approach.
My implementation gives an error message when there is no positive element in V. And the error message will be at least somewhat to the point.
Your alternatives (LastPositive2, 3 and 4) will fail when ORIGIN is other than 0...
Correct, but you would simply have to replace "0" by "ORIGIN" to make the calculations ORIGIN-aware. But as already written above I'd prefer your solution anyway as its the shortest and most streamline.
I'd just rather prefer an error handling I can control rather than having the calculations fail with an error thrown by the built-in command.
It depends on how you would use the functions if a custom made error message created with the error command is preferable or if the function should still return a well defined result like NaN in case of an error. I usually prefer a NaN result.
All solutions work for me, but when i checked my data after reading what both of you wrote, i realized i have some vectors with all values 0, which would return an error, so i ended up using the function from LastPositive4 which is working for me.
Yesterday i was trying with 'match' before i posted here, but i didn't get it right. Thank you both very much.