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Hello everyone,
Im trying to find all roots of the equation (2+3i)^(1/4) ...
I can find one in mathcad but have no idea how to make it work out all the others (4 in total) and have had no luck browsing the web so really hope you can help me!
thanks in advance
That's not an equation, that's an imaginary number. Unless you're solving for i; even then there's only i = -0.5
yes sorry i should have just written the question, rather than explain sorry!.
'simplify the following expression giving the answer in the form a+bi
(2+3i)^(1/4) giving all 4 roots...
Use the symbolic processor and the rectangular keyword to rewrite the expression in the form a+bi
To find the roots convert that to the polar form, and use De Moivre's theorum.
To get Mathcad to automatically give you all 4 roots you have to symbolically solve the equation z^4=2+3i
Thank you very much Werner.