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grid function grid(i,j) - new function for Mathcad


grid function grid(i,j) - new function for Mathcad

-the grid in Mathcad workspace have anyway addresses of placed equations, so those addresses from the nodes of the grid could be used also to define dynamically and directly some values

If in one position of the grid (i1,j1) exist a equation exist a equation with lets say the equality T=a+b

Then grid(i1,j1)=T

-so grid(i1,j1) is an alternative way of represention of variable T in next equations

-asume that just on the nodes of the grid are inserted values

-then each value x(i,j) inserted on the grid will have a address

-bye the function grid we can get the value in the indicated position (i,j) by the function grid(i,j)


What would you do with such a function if you had it?

And why is this posted in the members showcase section? There's a whole range of Mathcad forums it could have been posted in.


Hmm . I am surprised u ask this. Now are in development new versions of Mathcad. Now is time to proposed as much of possible development tools.

Then for what else is this PTC community ? To talk about families ?

Function grid(i,j) help to get directly numbers, equations from workspace of mathcad.

Is something closed to what you see in Excel. A cell A8 is a address of a cell. But inside the cell is lets say a number 36983. Then if further u use A8 in formulas then in fact will be that number 36983.

Same thing i want to see in Mathcad. Is a verry simple tool.

If i write somewhere in the mathcad workspace the value 9008 in the location (60,100) then grid(60,100)=9008

Further I can use that number 9008 just by its location. Is a vectorialization and of the tools that Mathcad could use, working in more dynamic way.


That's because Excel doesn't have assigned variables in the way Mathcad does. If I have


I can access the value of T without needing to know where it is on the page. That's the whole point of assigning it to a variable.


Dont be negativist You maybe dont know that Mathcad use also grids.

We can use grid adresses dinamycally

If are in the nodes of the grid asigned a matrix, lets say between the 2 corners (30,30) up to (40,40) than each element of matrix will be with adresses between grid(30,30) grid(30,31) ........ grid(40,40)

Is a vectorial way that could work inside mathcad interface. You not need to use further just thevalue or the name of the variable, u can use an alternative - just the address of the variable from the grid.

My proposal is an enrich of ways that Mathcad could work in solving.


I am well aware of the grid. It's not even that hard to get the grid coordinates of a specific region.

I haven't been negative. I have asked you what you would do with such a function if you had it, and so far you haven't told me. What would it allow you to do that you can't do now? Unless you can describe some benefit to your grid function then I don't see much point in having it. The matrix example certainly doesn't show any benefit. I can index a matrix already, in a way that will still work if I move the matrix to a new position on the page.

"My proposal is an enrich of ways that Mathcad could work in solving."


Solving, solving what between two numbers. You can apply all sorts of maths between two numbers. But for solving you must have a functional relationship. You can collect all sorts of relationships in a data table and solve all what you want. There are many Mathcad modules that do imitate some of the Excel spreadsheet functions. If you want to switch from Excel to Mathcad, that is another story. My understanding of your "Grid" is limited to that:



yep, by now my proposal is limited cause it is at beginning.

So first step I want just this. a number from a address to be represented also by the address. Further the users will get the benefit of this by working in mathcad in diverse situation that appear

All what you are talking about is at hand in Mathcad.

We have all sorts of explorers, For specific cases,

better have a work sheet.



First, is necessary mathcad to have on the edge of interface the numbers of lines and the columns, just like in chess.

lets say, i assign in mathcad this:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ............ grid of column no


3 3 5 9 76

4 5 17 98 35

5 56 9 75 34

6 32 21 14 2





grid of lines no.

So we have

grid(3,4)=3, grid(3,5)=0 grid(6,10)=2 grid(3,3)=0

the matrix 4x4 will be A:=grid(3,4)..grid(6,10)

1) So i can just build a matrix direct inside mathcad interface, without need to use matrix function of mathcad

2)if in the address grid(i,j) exist there a ecuation, then that equation could be represented in next equations by grid(i,j) where it is placed, especially when we talk about boolean checkings

3)a number or a variable defined in location grid(i,j) could be represented in next equations just by its address grid(i,j)

So why cannot be implemented this vectorial approach ? Sciences and methods have to progress, to be more dynamic.


1) So i can just build a matrix direct inside mathcad interface, without need to use matrix function of mathcad

Why? What's wrong with just using a matrix?

So why cannot be implemented this vectorial approach ?

You still haven't said what the benefit of it would be. I can see a number of problems (the most obvious being that the worksheet will stop working if you move any region) and no benefits. So if you think there's a benefit please tell us what it is.


the benefit is like this:

If you are citizen richard jackson, instead using your name i can say: the citizen from USA, city New York, age 20 yo, street apolodor, etc. or citizen with identity card no. xxxxxxxxxxxxx

So I represent you as per your identity card details , less your name


sometimes authoritie represent you by your ID card details, not by your name&surname.

Same thing about my grid(i,j) proposal


tudor baracu wrote:

the benefit is like this:

If you are citizen richard jackson, instead using your name i can say: the citizen from USA, city New York, age 20 yo, street apolodor, etc. or citizen with identity card no. xxxxxxxxxxxxx

So I represent you as per your identity card details , less your name

That still only says what you want to do. I understand what you want to do. In the case of identity cards at least one benefit of using the number rather than my name is obvious: the number is unique, the name is not. What is the benefit of your grid function?



in position lets say (60,200) i have a long equation like x^2+y^5+.....+z^4=0

in a book you will see that after a equation is put a order number x^2+y^5+.....+z^4=0 (1)

next in later equations where get implied ec. (1) , you will not just rewrite ecuation (1) in its form, isnt it? you will use something like this: from eq. (1) result...... etc

Same in my concept equation (1) is placed in a position (i,j). Then i can use it like grid(i,j) when i want to do some boolean checks instead to write again x^2+y^5+.....+z^4=0

2) a:=3 b:=5 c:=a+b=8

instead of this I can write like below in mathcad:

3 5


where grid(i1,j1)=3 and grid(i2,j2)=5

U know that many engineering inputs are in this way:

44 6456 65455 564654 654654 656

65654 6546546 5645 5665

so not defining explicit for each variable a value. Just place values in their possition where you know already that that position is assumed for a specific variable


in position lets say (60,200) i have a long equation like x^2+y^5+.....+z^4=0

in a book you will see that after a equation is put a order number x^2+y^5+.....+z^4=0 (1)

next in later equations where get implied ec. (1) , you will not just rewrite ecuation (1) in its form, isnt it? you will use something like this: from eq. (1) result...... etc

But then it seems to me that what you really want to be able to do is to refer to the equaion via it's equation number. In other words, a tag, not a grid coordinate. I can see why that might be handy sometimes. Unlike the grid coordinate the tag could be made to move with the equation too.

2) a:=3 b:=5 c:=a+b=8

instead of this I can write like below in mathcad:

3 5


Sorry, but that just looks really confusing. A major benefit of Mathcad is that it reads much like standard math, and what you are proposing would be even harder to read and debug than an Excel spreadsheet. If you really want to refer to variables by locaton put them all in a vector or matrix

grid[0:=3 grid[1:=5


At least then when you move regions the worksheet will still work,


Offff, dont look so rigid to a convention that Mathcad inserted

Who tell me that i have to use grid[0:=3 with that bracket ] . Mathcad ? They not have to reinvent mathematics

Workspace of Mathcad is a grid with nodes. When you make click with the mouse in a point, the mouse pointer will snap to a node of the grid.

You can consider that entire workspace of Mathcad is a big matrix with elements completed or not being the nodes of the grid.

Each node of the grid have a coordinate (row no., column no.)

So what is inserted in a node of the grid being a number, or variable, or equation in future equations can be represented by adress grid(i,j) where was placed first.

Again I confirm this example that allow a flexible way of definitions of some values, variables. (this way engineers use very very often - I am at the base engineer + having studies in nuclear physics):

a:=3 b:=5 c:=a+b=8

instead of this I can write like below in mathcad:

3 5


where grid(i,j) is just the entity located in position (i,j) from the Mathcad workspace.


There's no point in repeating the proposal. I understand what you are proposing. But I see some big problems with it and no significant benefit.

"So why cannot be implemented this vectorial approach ? "


Nothing to implement, it's all there. Mathcad is all geared around any kind of "Matrix work" even lot simpler and more direct than Matlab. Just think that Mathcad is a very powerful image processing software too ! If you want help on some ways of doing, please put in work sheet. As simple as it looks, the Mathcad built-in Matrix(n,m,f) is a very powerful construct, hyperfast for advanced work. Visit the "Mathcad usage" download all the work sheets and see some more Mathcad ways ... and that is just a start in this new community.



Man, i have good enough experience and skills about mathcad can do.

Now I proposed something new, that's all. Something that not contradict with existing aproaches, or overlap. Just is a adittional way. My opinnion is that anything that Word do in editing equation + anything Excel do in calculation , Mathcad being superior a lot have to do too. That is it

So to represent a variable also by its adress, not only by its name.




you defined a matrix with the name grid.

I want just the grid of workspace of Mathcad Prime to be just a matrix.

We can name the function also in other name, this no matter. Just to be a built in function for the mathcad workspace screen.

A question. From what job you live? You and Richard are always on Mathcad Forums


I'm a private consultant.

Actually, I'm not always on the forums. I can go mostly silent or completely silent for long periods sometimes. It depends on the work load and deadlines and where I am (for example, I'll be in Asia for 3-4 weeks later this year, at which point I will be almost completely silent).

My activity also depends on the nature of the questions. It's a minutes work to scribble a quick reply to some of them. It can be half a days work (or more) to answer some others. Those ones are not that likely to get an answer!

I'm sure somebody will reply to your visit.

The best would be a work sheet.

If you want to create a Microsoft application

of which application, part of the page region

would be a bit of the Mathcad, then it does

not concern "Mathcad know how".


... that site crashed again

The image is enough.



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