Hi im new in Mathcad prime 3, I just want to know or is there already a trend on how to input mixed numbers in mathcad prime 3? i tried commands from mathcad 15 ctrl_shift_+ but it does'nt work... thanks
input mixed numbers
inputing numbers like this
3 | 5 6 |
tables? fractions?
I think I got it, You mean writing 2 2/5 instead of 12/5 or 2.4 ?
Thats a notation which should be avoided in math anyway. It may be a good thing for gettting a feeling for numbers and fractions when learning basic math but it definitely should be avoided later. Its ambiguous. It means 2+2/5 but looks like 2*2/5. No good habit to use this notation.
Its one of the many features misssing in Prime compared to real Mathcad, but I guess its one of the not so much missed ones.
Prime does not have the features that V15 has. Fred Lusk recently posted a worksheet that may help. Feet Inchesand Fractions will do until PTC improves upon Prime's capabilities.
I hope this helps.