Hi all.
I is prolem. Please see picture.
File I attacment.
Please help????
Your worksheet just contains a few formulae with no words of explanation, so it is very difficult for us to fully understand what you are trying to do.
What makes you think that the function M1 should return a value of 0 when x1 is 50 (actually, 49.217 is the last value of x1)? If it should then it means you have written the function incorrectly. If the function is correct, then you haven't taken x1 far enough (a value of x1=51.02 makes M1 zero).
In general, include words of description, suitable for someone who doesn't know what you are doing, in your worksheets in order to get more responses.
Thank Alan.
AlanStevens wrote:
If it should then it means you have written the function incorrectly.
I is Written proram Interrelationship Diagram Cloum
Yes . I think written the function incorrectly.
I want do X1= 50 => M1 = 0.
I'm not good at English.
It is difficult to explain to you.
THank again