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Community Tip - Stay updated on what is happening on the PTC Community by subscribing to PTC Community Announcements. X




I note that jmg has been disabled as a contributor to this forum. I surmise that his recent "malicious bug" diatribe was a rant too far for some sensitive soul or other at PTC.

However, in spite of the occasional misguided bee in his bonnet and the often less than tactful way he expresses his views, jmg has contributed a lot, both to the old collaboratory and the current forum, helping many Mathcad users, old and new.

It's a weak Company that can't take criticism, even if that criticism is unjustified (especially if it is unjustified!).

I suggest you re-enable jmg.


5-Regular Member

And perhaps, that was one of the lackings in the old site, as much beloved as it was. There was no FAQ-like section where newbie, or common, questions could be referred. So, a simple, easily searchable FAQ section might be needed here.

I am right with you on that one.

The search feature in the old site was poor to say the least. The amount of times I got the "Word To Common" reply from my search was unreal. The search tool on this site is a massive improvement in my opinion. Even if a collab doesn't directly have the vocabulary to describe the problem, the search bar has a predictive text feature which helps greatly.


Hi Eden,

And perhaps, that was one of the lackings in the old site, as much beloved as it was. There was no FAQ-like section where newbie, or common, questions could be referred. So, a simple, easily searchable FAQ section might be needed here.

Could this document serve as the FAQ section? It can be accessed by the Need Help link at the top of every page.

Also, if you perform a search on 'help' or 'faq,' you should receive a list of How-to documents related to navigating your way around the community.



Something similar, possibly. The topics would be more like:

> Why are my physics calculations not working?

> How can I iterate a Solve Block?

There a bunch of relatively basic questions that pop up continually, and something like the Help section would possibly get some of the newbie questions answered off the bat. Or at least, we could refer a poster to the existing FAQ answer.




I would encourage you to start such a document to help out the newbies. Fire up a wiki document and leave it open for others to collaborate on it.

I'd be more than happy to feature it prominently to make it easily accessible.



Fire up a wiki document and leave it open for others to collaborate on it.

For my part, I wasn't thinking of a real wiki document. I was going to make it available to all to read (obviously; not much of a FAQ otherwise!) or comment on, but I was going to either limit those who could edit the document(s) and/or have the edited documents require approval before they were visible to the "public". With a pure wiki document it is far too likely that someone that does not know what they are doing will edit something that was written by someone that did!

I'll leave the permissioning in your capable hands. You obviously want contributors you trust that will make the "right" edits/additions.

5-Regular Member

Sounds like a good idea, but what topics will be included, to much to cover with one document.

How about creating a thread so other collabs can fire ideas across.


Sounds like a good idea, but what topics will be included, to much to cover with one document.

I can think of many topics. Range variables vs vectors. How to functionalize solve blocks. Many others. Yes, it would require mulitple documents.

How about creating a thread so other collabs can fire ideas across.

A thread is not the right medium, because document access cannot be controlled in the right way. Only the poster can edit a document, but anyone can upload another document, even if it is wrong or irrelvent to a FAQ. A FAQ needs to have some level of control.

I'm trying to figure out how to upload multiple documents to a document posting. That would be a better approach.

It might be that we also want a thread, to discuss what would be in the FAQ, discuss (i.e. argue about!) particular worksheets, etc. But it would not actually be the FAQ.

5-Regular Member

Sorry Richard I didn't explain myself properly. I meant create a thread so we can all suggest topics for the documents. I understand that a thread is not the right way to go about it.


I meant create a thread so we can all suggest topics for the documents.



Yes, I was thinking of setting up something like that in the Mathcad forum. But how can you add multiple documents to one document post? If I edit one of the documents I have posted the only option I get is to upload a new version of the existing file. I don't see any way to add another file.


In forums of this nature, there eventually arises a time when you've seen the same question 10, or even 100 times, and you think to yourself, "Again?"

Yes, that is true. In fact, it happens a lot to me with these forums. A lot of the answers I give now are just hyperlinks to old threads. That certainly makes for less work, but it's not exactly exciting!

I'll put my 2 cents in.

Firstly Jean reminded me of Sheldon from Big Bang Theory - no need to elaborate there I think. It is a loss, but I heard a story once in an IT firm that relates to this and offers some hope.

There was a team of 5 developers, one of which was clearly more tallented than the others. The projects essentially rode on his back. He knew that he could code rings around all the other developers put together and became very difficult to deal with. He was frustrated that anything complicated came to him so his workload was through the roof and the other developers were frustrated that he was such a difficult person to work with. He kept saying that they needed an entire team of "people who could program" (i.e. at his skill level), and they kept saying they needed a better way of working as a team.

To everyone's surprise, the company let this "superstar" developer go. That one key developer was snapped up by another firm and the team initially freaked out. They hired another person to fill the space (although the other developers thought they should hire another 2 or 3 developers). What happened was actually quite amazing. Productivity increased!

It turns out that those tasks that nobody else could do but the one guy had to be discussed as a group in order to resolve it, meaning that all the group was then capable of those tasks. What's more, as the team worked out how to do all of the different tasks they became better problem solvers and better programmers in the end creating the team of "people who could program". With a more pleasant team environment everyone started working with eachother much more productively and actualy enjoyed their job.

I think the same thing could happen here.

For instance, many times I saw an interesting question fire through only to see someone had jumped in after a couple of minutes with the answer. The dominance of a few who had the right answer immediately removed any chance for the forum to discuss the issue, formulate ideas and develop a consensus. Nobody learnt anything - they just got answers. What's more nobody got a chance to contribute an answer unless they happened to be logged in at a time that those key people weren't on.

So what's going to happen now that JMG, Tom, Valery, Stuart post less or not at all? Chances are that they will be very soarly missed and in the short term the community will be that much poorer. But the community will keep going and in the long term may actually strengthen.

As for Jean's frequently abrasive language - what about freedom of speach? I love this quote from "The American President"

"You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who's standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours. You want to claim this land as the land of the free? Then the symbol of your country can't just be a flag; the symbol also has to be one of its citizens exercising his right to burn that flag in protest. Show me that, defend that, celebrate that in your classrooms. Then, you can stand up and sing about the "land of the free"."

Jean is apparently still alive and kicking, and claims no obvious communication between himself and PTC. That's a different matter altogether, anyway.

In any case, he reports something that is rather disturbing, which is that the email thread notifications apparently reveal our supposedly private email addresses. I've not yet verified this, so it this is true, that is indeed a serious bug in the workings of this web forum.



test, just looking to see what the email notifications look like

OK, I confirmed by creating another account that subscribed to this thread. So every posting by me goes out to ALL subscribers with my supposedly "hidden" email address. THIS IS NOT RIGHT! The whole point of hiding the email addresses is to minimize potential for spamming. But with every posting, your email address is sent to anyone and everyone on the subcription list. Bah, humbug! Talk about Illuminati...



They have known about this massive privacy hole for three months, but have obviously not fixed it. Here's a previous discussion on the topic that tells you how to stop this from happening:

This blog details the steps you need to take to protect your privacy.

Let's Talk About Privacy For A Second


Given that we set the option to disable the display of our emails when we sign up, and we show a different display name in the threads as well as on our logins, isn't it a bit inane to shipout our email addresses to the world?

What's the point of saying you protect our privacy, but you hide the display name change option until after the account is created, all the while creating the illusion of protecting the email address?


Hi Eden,

The steps provided is the fix. Your email address is no longer exposed for public consumption.



You and I clearly disagree on what "fix" means. If it's something that I have to do, it's a "patch" at best, and more likely, it's merely a workaround. So, please do not insult my intelligence by claiming the "fix" is something that I should have done or should have known about. When I check the box that says to hide my email address, and my profile shows that my email address is hidden, I expect the system to hide my email address unless I specifically reveal it, and not because I didn't do some absurd procedure to change something that shouldn't have been set that way to begin with, particularly since the system never warns me about that. This is the same approach that got Facebook and a number of other sites into legal trouble, because their default settings were contrary to their privacy policy.

A true fix would be to make the default emailed display name be the same display name that showed up in the registration process AND that showed up on every posting that I had on this site till now.


My intention was certainly not to insult your intelligence. And if it came across as such, my apologies.


This is the same approach that got Facebook and a number of other sites into legal trouble, because their default settings were contrary to their privacy policy.

Uh Oh! I can feel a bout of severe emotional stress coming on (perhaps even Post Traumatic Stress Disorder!) caused by an invasion of privacy. It happens that I could also do with a little extra money right now. A really huge amount of extra money would be OK too. Does anyone know a really mercenary, unscrupulous lawyer I can contact?

evil grin.gif


I get all the postings from the Community sent to my email. 98% of them, including yours, don't show the email addresses. I was going to write earlier that I didn't see any email addresses, but there are two people whose emails I see. I can let them know.

Here's how your message appears in my email.

Best regards,





That was after I made the change to the display name. This shows what it looked like before:




While it's obvious that I wasn't sufficiently vigilant, I'n hardly alone in that regard. I see roughly about 6% of the participants in this forum with email set to private, but their email addresses are revealed through their profile page URL. Philip has two profiles, both with email set to private, but one of them, possibly an older one, does show his email address in his profile URL.


Trying to fix that now. The default is not sell set up.

Perhaps Dan could send an email to those with a "@" in their name helping them with the instructions (which they otherwise won't find).


Should be pretty easily doable; out of the 88 profiles I looked at, one had intentionally used their email as their communities display name, but 8 or 9 people had their emails set to private, but their profiles showed their email addresses.



GREAT! Look what i just received (reproduced entirely as a bitmap so that the text can't be found by searching, so the spammer doesn't get any advertising benefit):


5-Regular Member


That's a little naughty.....



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