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lsolve and discrete variables - Matrix 3D


lsolve and discrete variables - Matrix 3D

Hi community

I have a 8x8 system of linear equations, which depends on three independent variables, but when I discretize this system, and then integrate a variable in order to make a 3D graph, the system does not work, then I do not do the third continuous variable but I generate several files where I have discretized the variable, the system does work very well.

Help me

How I work with three discrete variables?

Thank you for your help and your assistance is appreciated

PS: I attachment my file

I add Matrix 3D, because I have a Matrix with three index, but I add up over third index, i.e., Finally I have a matrix 2D


In the functions Vectorincog0 and 1 you have au undefined parameter, KD, which I have not idea about what can be it, and in the function Vectorincog3 you have a practical problem, in the sense that it seems to take a long time to do the calculus. Please check the way that you define dE and nEmax. nEmax and Nqmax seems to be very bigs, but decreasing it put in troubles dq and the range q. So check also the relationship between theese magnitudes.

En las funciones Vectorincog0 y 1 tienes el parámetro indefinido KD, el cual no tengo la más pálida idea acerca de lo que pueda ser; y en la función Vectorincog3 tienes un problema práctico, en el sentido de que pareciera que toma mucho tiempo para hacer el cálculo. Por favor verifica la forma en que defines dE y nEmax. Pareciera que nEmax y Nqmax son muy grandes, pero achicarlos mete en problemas dq y la variable de rango q. Entonces verifica la relación entre esas magnitudes también.

Regards. Alvaro.

Mr. Diaz

Thank you for your time and your suggestion.

In this time I fix the problem with the variable KD, but I do not know what criteria I use for variables NEmax and Nqmax?.

At this time while the program takes too long I get the solutions to fix a single value of Z, but when I entered a third variable (Z continuous), and verify with the discrete Z file are not equal for the same value of Z Why?

Thank you very much for your help and cooperation.


Señor Diaz,

Gracias por su tiempo y sus sugerencias.

Yo en este momento arregle el problema con la variable KD, pero Yo no sè cual criterio debo utilizar para las variables Nqmax y NEmax.

En este momento aunque el programa es muy demorado Yo obteng las soluciones al fijar un solo valor de Z, pero cuando Yo ingreso una tercera variable (Z continua), y verifico con el archivo de Z discreto no son iguales para el mismo valor de Z Por què?

Muchas gracias por su ayuda y colaboraciòn.

I add a new file. Yo agregue un nuevo archivo.

Only for keep working, check in the attached yellow and red regions. I think that the error in the discretization was from considerating a matrix Vectorincog2 with dimensions nE,nZ,nq. In mathcad you can't do that, mathcad only have 2 dimemnsional matrices. After that you assign FefleEHK1D to this function and with this use it in GK1D but with dimensions nE,nq. So, there are an inconsistence somewhere there.

Hope attached can be useful in some things, but can be better that another collab take this for a more physical interpretation, not only the mathcad implementation.

Regards. Alvaro.

Solo para seguir trabajando, verifica en el archivo adjunto las regiones amarillas y rojas. Creo que el error en la discretización proviene de considerar la matriz Vectorincog2 con dimensiones nE,nZ,nq. No puedes hacer eso en mathcad, mathcad s{olo tiene matrices bidimensionales. Luego de eso asignas FefleEHK1 a esa función y lo usas en GK1D, pero con dimensiones nE,nq. Es decir, hay alguna inconsistencia por ahí.

Espero que el archivo adjunto sea útil para algunos de las cuestiones, pero sería mejor que otro colaborador tome este para una interpretación más física, y no sólo la implementación en mathcad.


In other sort of things, we have a discussion here about units, your file handles the probability but in cartesian form. It can be done also in polar notation; sometimes math can simplify in this way. There are two paths where the units can be extended -as Philip propose- with complexes. One is with the electromagnetic field, and the other is assignin units to complexes in such way that the amplitude of the probabilities fails in the exponentianl of the polar notation of the complexes.

Thank you Mr. Diaz for your time,

I think that

As mathcad does not work with 3D matrices (ie with three indices) I think that adding on a third variable can be getting a graphic of a 3D Matrix, Prime index, Second index, and the third goes away, because I add up over this index .

Because this program does not work?

As I do this?


My Matrix integrate the third index is Vectorincog0


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