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t - 'Bug' in German Version


t - 'Bug' in German Version

Hope, that calling it t-Bug is not too distracting.
I am pointing to a really nasty problem which seems to manifest, when the Math-Language is switched to German. At least there is no Problem with Math-Language English.

Switching to German has a nice effect, namely that the units "tonne" and "sec" can (additionaly) be adressed as "t" and "s", which is more usual over here. Seems to be an internal things, as "t" or "s" does not appear in the units-menu.

I am using units in my sheets but am dealing very often with time-functions. So I use plots with the variable t at the axis of abscissae and f(t) on the axis of ordinates. At least thats what I would like to do but am not able to, because you cannot use a unit as an independent variable.
Work around is simple if we are speaking of sheets I produce myself - I simply name the variable "t." which looks like a simple t. But as I am teaching and my pupils have to use Mathcad as well, its rather annoying having them force to learn that workaround or switching off units completely.
Another problem is when using worksheets made by others in an English Version and using "t" as variable.

So I would call this not necessarily a bug but rather a feature with an severly annyoing sideeffect (because of the lack of another feature, see below).

As already stated quite some times by other people - we are in need for a command like reset(t), which does to a variable for numerical (and plotting) treatment what t:=t does to it for symbolic calculations.

That way I could do without the t for tonne but not necessarily withou the s for seconds (which I like an use a lot).

Sounds like a Feature Suggestion but I won't crosspost now.




When I did my danish translation I ran into something similar. I used t for hours and g for grams (accordingly changed the constant of gravity to g.n) and both are making some issues.
The worst is that the ODE does not work if a function is defined in t so the user has to change f(t) to f(u) etc.
The change in g just changes all g(x) to g.n(x) - annoying but to live with.

Steen Gro�e

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