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It occurs to me that after opening prime 1.0 file, images (jpg) disappear. There is a box instead: "browse for image". What's the problem?. Should I have all images in the same folder as file? Lately I lost about 20 images.
Please attach your worksheet.
Try opening the file that I attached to the message. When you open it you can see the picture JPG?
Yes, I can see nice half section of a engine. Here is my file. Now there is one image missing.
I see one error in your sheet - we can not use a Range Variable as an element of an array or a table (a set of vectors). See please the first elenent (1,2...5) of the vector z in your sheet.
PS With pictures is all ok. But I think the sheet must choose a picture not an user. Or?
I know that. This table doesn't take part in calculations. I will disable it.
Jerzy Barron wrote:
... Now there is one image missing.
I have the same issue. Try to re-insert an JPG image and save the file.