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Did you subscribe to email notifications in the Jive system? Have you already re-subscribed to the email notifications in the Lithium system? I have some opinions on the differences between the email notificaitions between the two systems. Perhaps some of this can be configured, and some cannot. But maybe this topic can get a conversation started about email notificaitons. You may agree, disagree, or bring up additional points to consider.
Here are my thoughts:
Email Notifications from Jive
Email Notifications from Lithium
Example of how Quoting appears in the email notification
Ben, it's driving me batty as well. I haven't even tried to organize the emails yet in hopes that Toby can adjust the email subject to include the source area...
I agree, the notifications are a big dissapopintment. You've summed up my thoghts well. Too much unnecessary info, poorly formatted and hard to read quickly.
Futher on this topic, I am wondering about images embedded in posts. Jive didn't have this functionality, but it appears that Lithium might be halfway there. Please see the 2 screenshots below.
In the first screenshot, someone gave me kudos on my post. A copy of my post was in the email. And it included my embedded images.
In the second screenshot (a reply to a posted question), Jeff has some images embedded. But the images don't come through in the email notification.
I can understand that some people would not like to have images come through. So maybe it could be a preference. But it would certainly be a lot nicer to be able to see embedded images in the email notification. Do you think it is possible?
image of my post with embedded images coming through in the email notification
image of Jeff's post without embedded images coming through in email notification