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Hi, I jsut saw the Creo 4.0 M010 is released, i was trying to install with license number, but none of the number work(either says not for this verion when i start Parametric, or no such feature, or jusr say error when i enter the number). The university serial number is also not working. the setup-schools returns a frozen window while retrieving (I prefer the installation with serial number since there is no school TAB). Is there any solution? I checked the license file i received from email, it actually says for version 34.0, that should indicate Creo 3.0 M110, if i use the newest university serial number, the file i got is for version 33.0.
Really love 4.0, everything is amazing! Best ever and smartest CAD software I've ever seen, finally dont need to go to keyshot and assign material, much easier to locate model in tree when i click on it in window. Labling tolerance in 3D is just a game changer!
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