Every time I try to start Creo, the error message pops up and the program shuts down. I tried following tips and solutions from past versions but they don't help either. I am also missing the standard .exe application and the shortcut doesn't work properly either, which makes the only path I can use to open Creo already finished files.
@TM_10817646 wrote:
Every time I try to start Creo, the error message pops up and the program shuts down. I tried following tips and solutions from past versions but they don't help either. I am also missing the standard .exe application and the shortcut doesn't work properly either, which makes the only path I can use to open Creo already finished files.
my suggestion:
Similar issue - "Error code: 0x06000012 (Couldn't run "Quality Agent")": https://community.ptc.com/t5/PTC-Education-Forum/Error-code-0x06000012-Couldn-t-run-quot-Quality-Agent-quot/td-p/757841